Livelihoods, Economic Empowerment and Child Protection

Community Based Homecare Child Protection and Beekeeping (CB-HCPB)

Just click here and see the video about KidsCare HomeCare Programs.

Just click here and see the video about  KidsCare Communities Child Protection Committees.

Due to difficult economic and social circumstances many children in Kenya grow up without proper education and life-skills necessary to prepare them for life’s challenges. This is especially true for the children in Kenya living in remote areas of the country and even more for the orphan children. We estimate that more than 20% of the children in Kwale County are orphans. The exact numbers are not available but it is counted that there are at least 3000 orphans and vulnerable children in that county. Many children live in extremely poor households, which are not able to give the kids a base for creating their own future. 

The CB- Child Protection and Bee keeping program is the successor of a proven unique combination of the HomeCare and Beekeepers’ programs targeting 24 villages of Kikoneni, Pongwe kidimu, Mwangulu, Vanga, Mwereni and Dzombo locations of Lunga Lunga Sub County. Working in close cooperation with the Kenyan Government and other specialized partners.

The Community partners agrees to co-operate in the Community Based- Child Protection and Bee keeping (CB – HCPB) project because it is affordable environmental friendly, adaptable and can be easily integrated with other economic mainstays within the county. The project aims to create social, economic and environmental sustainability for 360 households with > 1800 orphans and vulnerable children within the 24 villages including the formation and training of 24 dedicated bee keeping farmers groups and the formation and training of 24 Child Protection Committees to create a better future for children, their families and Communities.

This will be done strategically and with focus on sustainability, through intensive trainings, social and economic guidance, for the 360 households for a duration of 3years (2020-2023) to reach the project goals.

Why CB- HCPB in Lungalunga Sub County?

  • The CB- HCPB program has already strong support in the Sub County following the success of CBHB program (2017-2020) which had excellent results (95% of the participating families and 100% of the farmers groups did successfully reached the program goals.
  • The good cooperation of the government officials and the communities
  • Many stakeholders and the communities welcome a new start of the innovate program
  • Most people are poor
  • There is less knowledge and knowhow of modern agriculture
  • It is rural area, favourable environment for bee keeping
  • Many parts of the Sub County areas have not been reached by trainers of the government and NGOs
  • Experience of a growing market of fresh honey and related products

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“We know that every life is precious, every life is priceless, and every life has something to offer. This is our unique perspective, our initiative, and we invite all to join us create a better and lasting future, for the children of tomorrow.” – KidsCare Kenya