Homecare programs
KidsCare started in 2010 with a homecare program for orphans. After a pilot in 3 communities the programm is evaluated and step by step extent to homecare activities in 24 villages (2016).
The homecare program for orphans is very succesful. The most poorest households in that 24 communities are selected and the KidsCare social worker is working together with his community voluntiers to realise that the household is susstainable in 3 year. Mostly a big chalange, but we are proud on the succeses we have made.
Around 600 children are now going to school, visit a dispensary if needed, have enough food and a their house is improved. The caretaker(s) are activated and are learning how to make (more) income for the household. Really, even we are surprised that our help can so much positive effort.
Inspired by the succes of the homecare program we are developing more homcare programs. At the end of 2016 we hope to have 4 program’s working in the field. That program are for:
- Orphans
- Children with special abilities
- Teenage mothers
- Abused Children
Of course we have to mention that developing and execute all that program’s is only possible if we have the full support of all stakeholders in Kenia. All that organiztions are invited to join us and discuss if we can achieve more if we work together.
An organisation that gives homecare to orphans and vunarable children is new in this part of Kenya and it needs explanation. KidsCare is using the folowing text to make clear what homecare includes:
Homecare includes:
(Depending of the specific programs)
- Home visits to families with vulnerable children and monitoring of the progress (general health and hygiene, shelter, diet etc.).
- A monthly financial support to help the household to stabilize and realize an acceptable situation for their children
- Making regular follow-ups to check the situation in the homestead, school, the dispensary and more.
- Making referrals to KidsCare Centre (counseling), special schools, hospitals, local chiefs and more.
- Realizing economic programs/targets to become an independent household
- Assisting in forming ‘caring groups’ with trainings, mutual support, shared experiences, special education, microcredit and more.
- Training community volunteers in guiding and creating social sense for the weakest of their society.
- Organizing community awareness campaigns about (among other things) rights, child abuse and early identification and prevention of disabilities, diseases, social isolation or unlawful situations.