KidsCare Kenya

KidsCare is a Kenyan organization which was established in 2010 as an NGO, and was later changed into a Trust in 2012. The founders of KidsCare Kenya are a Dutch couple, Gerard and Lisette Geenen, and the Director Ali Mwaziro. Since KidsCare’s establishment, Gerard and Lisette have continuously supported the organization from their own foundation in the Netherlands. KidsCare has blossomed into a well-functioning and dedicated organization powered by the extreme drive of all parties involved. The organization currently consists of 30 hard working and dedicated individuals, who work tirelessly to help children who are in dire need of help. More information about our team is to be found on meet our team.

KidsCare Kenya believes that every child deserves the right to a build on their future and develop the talents they have been born with. Therefore, together with our specialized partners, and in line with government policies we are dedicated to ensure that this basic right is being achieved. Our HomeCare program support and councils families with orphans, abused children, teenage mothers and children with special abilities be it mental or physical. Our service centre is located in Mshiu, LungaLunga Sub-County. The service center is a unique facility in its area, being made up of offices, a large conference room, meeting rooms, guesthouse, big in-and outside kitchen, a therapy room and a 10 acre model farm. This enables us to offer a wide range of services to the neighborhood, a unique concept in the Sub-County. Earnings of the facility are used for our child supporting programs.